Tag Archives: Eating

Eat Often = Slim Faster

Eat Your Colors on Portion Control Plates

Eat Your Colors on Portion Control Plates (Photo credit: cproppe)

Many of us understand exactly what to avoid when dieting, and what to eat more of.  We know that we need to avoid fat, grease, and sugar, and eat more of the veggies, fruits, and non processed foods that mainly come from the earth. A lot of us however, are in the dark when it comes to how much and what kind of portions to eat when it comes to optimal weight loss and overall healthiness. Fortunately, I am here to explain to you exactly HOW to eat your delicious new healthy meals so that you will get the most benefits and results out of them.  Read the rest of this entry

Our Favorite Meal: Snacks

Yoghurt and raspberries

Yoghurt and raspberries (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pfffft, who cares about Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner? Snacks are where it’s at! There’s just something about those in-between meal treats that can tempt any of us to come to the dark side! Or maybe we just don’t have enough time, and are really hungry, so we decide to grab a snack. Constantly, we are faced with chips, donuts, muffins, and other oily and processed things right in front of us. But why slow your body down with artificial colors and preservatives? There are many ways to stay safe and still achieve healthiness even when those tempting snack cravings kick in.. Read the rest of this entry